Interview Preparation

Service Provided By Strategic Alliance Management Services Pvt. Ltd.

Expert Guidance for Your Final Interview from India’s
Specialist Recruiter to the Public Health, Development and CSR Sectors!

Interview performance is significantly impacted by your level of confidence at the time of walking into the meeting room and research indicates that confidence levels are dramatically improved by the simple act of rehearsing and preparing for the interaction.
SAMS has experience in excess of thousands of hours of assessing and tele-interviewing candidates for vacancies arising with clients, deploying jointly developed assessment templates and question banks for this purpose.
We believe that final job interviews are increasingly being conducted by hiring organizations in a structured and organized way, enabling their Selection Panels to systematically assess the comparative competence of shortlisted talent with respect to key Qualifications, Experience Skills and Attributes (QESAs). This trend allows us to anticipate the structure and content of the interview process and help you prepare for it.
Our unmatched experience and proprietary tools are now available to help senior and junior job seekers prepare for job interviews in the public health, development and corporate social responsibility sectors, through the following phone-based, or in-person, interview preparation packs:
Financial Highlights of Interview Preparation Packs
Interview Preparation Pack
Junior Management Positions (Rs.) Incl. Service Tax @ 12.36%
Mid/ Senior Management Positions (Rs.) Incl. Service Tax @ 12.36%
(1) Standard (three interactive sessions aggregating a little under two hours of tele-interaction, helping prepare for one job interview)
INR 2,000/-
INR 3,500/-
Continue to package selection and payment
(2) Gold (as above, but for a repeat subscriber)
INR 1,500/-
INR 3,000/-
Continue to package selection and payment
Junior Job Seekers: 0 to 59 months work experience;
Senior Job Seekers: 60 months work experience and/or more
It should be noted that our inputs have a specific and limited purpose: we help you prepare for an interview, as a consequence of which you will be more confident when you interact with the hirer and are likely to do better in the interview. We make no claims about effecting improvements to your interviewing skills and/or a successful outcome of your interview.
High-Level Contents of Interview Preparation Packs
High-Level contents of SAMS standard and platinum interview-preparation packs are described below:
Output/ Session
Standard/ Gold Pack
(1) Analysis of job applied for
(2) Match-up of your application with job applied for
(3) Practice question bank for interview preparation
(4) Mock tele or in-person interview
(5) Feedback on mock interview
Details of What You Get
Details of what to expect at each stage of interview preparation are provided below:
Output/ Session
(1) Introductory Call(a) We shall preface the assignment with an introductory call providing an overview of the interview preparation process, including different outputs and sessions
(b) We shall agree specific dates as well as time slots (if possible ), for the different sessions
(2) Job Analysis(a) We shall commence interview preparations by analyzing the job description for the post you are being interviewed for, identifying key Qualifications, Skills and Attributes (QESAs) that we believe the hirer is likely to focus on during her/his interaction with you
(b) The analysis will be shared with you in the form of a brief Word or Excel document
(3) Match-up of Resume with Job(a) We shall simultaneously analyze your resume, transmission letter and other submissions, vis-a-vis the key QESAs identified earlier, with a view to determining your strengths and possible weaknesses
(b) The analysis shall help you better leverage your strengths and more importantly, reflect on skills and specific experience that shall enable you to do justice to the job, despite your not having expertise in some of the required areas
(c) The above analysis shall be included in the brief Word or Excel document referred to at (2) (b) above
(4) Interactive Tele-Session #1 (15 minutes)
This will comprise our first interaction covering the following:
(a) Overview of our interview preparation process, including different outputs and sessions
(b) Discussion and validation of job analysis and resume match-up analysis outputs submitted by SAMS
(5) Practice Question Bank(a) We will generate a list of 10-12 questions that shall help you prepare for the interview
(b) The question bank shall include generic questions that are frequently asked in interviews as ice-breakers and/or to assess soft skills
(c) We shall additionally focus on keys QESAs/ core competencies that you shall be expected to demonstrate and generate indicative questions in these areas. We do not expect the same questions to be actually asked to you and are merely endeavouring to focus your attention and preparation on areas in which you are likely to be asked questions
(d) The draft Question Bank will be shared with you in the form of a Word document
(6) Interactive Tele/ In-Person Session #2: Mock Interview (45 minutes)
(a) We shall conduct a tele or in-person interview to administer the draft Question Bank that was shared with you earlier, giving you at least one day to prepare for the same
(b) We shall replicate real life interview conditions during the interaction
(c) We shall record the interaction for offline study and analysis
(d) No immediate feedback shall be provided on the tele/ in-person interview
(7) Analysis of Mock Interview 1 (Offline)
We shall review and analyze the recording we shall make of the tele/ in-person interview and provide feedback on the following:
(a) Overall confidence levels
(b) Overall fluency and success in effectively communicating thoughts and responding to questions
(c) Questions that were answered satisfactorily
(d) Questions that were not answered satisfactorily and why
(e) Areas requiring better preparation
(f) Suggestions for improvement.

Feedback as above will be shared with you in the form of a Word document. Feedback shall be accompanied by the wav/ mp3 recording of the interaction which shall be shared with you through CD/ a large file sharing service.
(8) Interactive Tele-Session #3: Feedback on Mock Interview (45 minutes)
(a) We shall next discuss our detailed analysis and assessment of the mock interview illustrating our conclusions with reference to specific components of the mp3 recording
(b) We shall endeavour to anticipate responses expected by the hirer and assess how closely you matched the same
(c) We shall identify questions that were responded to well and those that were not providing justifications for our assessments
(d) We shall suggest obvious corrections that you can make to improving the quality of your responses, in terms of content, as well as the effectiveness with which these are conveyed

Turn-around Times
We expect to be able to commence sessions within two days of registration and payment.
We require one to two days of internal preparation time for key stages of interaction and accordingly expect an overall time involvement of about five days for the provision of interview preparation assistance.
Repeat Subscribers
Standard pack subscribers are upgraded to gold status when they apply for repeat interview preparation assistance for an additional job.
Gold status entitles subscribers to Rs. 500/- off from the standard subscription rate.
We do not coach candidates who have been shortlisted for interview by us for vacancies that have arisen with our clients.
SAMS is focused on providing recruitment assistance to candidates working in the public health, development and corporate social responsibility sectors. We do not presently coach candidates working outside of these sectors.
Our hours of work are from 0900 to 1900 hours, Monday through Saturday.
Interview preparation inputs are provided telephonically to candidates based in India. Due to high telecom expenses on overseas calls, we do not support candidates who are based outside of India. Overseas candidates wishing to avail of our services will have to give their consent to Skype-based audio interaction. Please note that the quality of sound for this mode of communication is dependent on the speed and quality of internet connections, over which SAMS has no control.
Candidates based in the NCR region may avail of the facility for in-person mock interviews at our office, at no extra cost.
Refund Policy
We do not refund subscriptions.
Price Revisions
Pricing of the interview preparation packs may go up substantially after completion of the ongoing pilot testing phase by October 31, 2013.
Registration and Payment
Registration for interview preparation is based on subscription and payment for the support pack you are interested in.
Payment links for each product pack are available in the section titled Financial Highlights of Interview Preparation Packs.
Complete payment will have to be made for the pack you are interested in by credit/debit card or internet banking, before you are enrolled for interview preparation.
Subscribers may alternately make payment to SAMS bank account as follows, by electronic transfer or cheque deposit:

Strategic Alliance Management Services P. Ltd.
Account No.: 15602320000309
Bank Name : HDFC Bank Ltd.
Branch Address : No. 53/3, D B Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110 005

Subscribers making direct payment to SAMS bank account shall be required to furnish the following details in respect of the interview preparation pack selected by them by email to :

(1) Interview Preparation Pack:
(2) Payment Amount:
(3) Cheque No and Date:
(4) Drawn On (Name of Bank & Branch Details):
(5) Date of Deposit of Cheque:
Contact Us
(1) Email:
(2) Our tele numbers*:
* Our hours of work are 0900 to 1900 hours. We are closed on the second and fourth Saturday of every month and on selected public holidays.

*Please Note: When you apply for Interview Preparation Service please mention you have view this ad on 

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