Thursday, August 23, 2018

Senior Manager - Centre for Catalyzing Change

1. POSITION VACANT: Senior Manager, Centre for Catalyzing Change, Patna, Bihar
Centre for Catalyzing Change (formerly CEDPA India), is a non-profit organization, focused on improving the lives of women and girls in India by equipping, mobilizing, educating and empowering women and girls, to achieve gender equality.

Communications Manager - Just Jobs Network

1. POSITION VACANT: Communications Manager, Just Jobs Network, New Delhi, India
JustJobs Network is a private, nonpartisan, organization, engaged in finding evidence-based solutions to one of the most pressing challenges of our time: How to create more and better jobs worldwide?
The organization produces empirical research on good job creation, focusing attention on critical knowledge gaps in the global employment landscape.

Executive Assistant - Feminist Approach to Technology

1. POSITION VACANT: Executive Assistant, Feminist Approach to Technology,
New Delhi
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT) is a nonprofit organization established in 2008, with the mission of empowering women by enhancing their awareness, interest, and participation in technology, apart from encouraging and enabling them to work with technology. The organization collaborates with a number of women’s organizations, to mainstream the issue of engendering technology. FAT primarily operates in Delhi, with projects in Bihar, Jharkhand and Pune as well.

Program In-Charge (Natural Resources Development Unit (NRD) - Seva Mandir

1. POSITION VACANT: Program In-Charge, Natural Resources Development Unit (NRD), Seva Mandir, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Seva Mandir is a respected, grassroots, Indian non-profit organization, focused on improving the quality of life of 360,000 persons in 700 villages of southern Rajasthan. More than 90% of the population in this area relies on subsistence agriculture and consequently subsists on less than Rs. 20 per day.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Two Year India Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Training Programme New Delhi

The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Govt. of USA launched the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Training Programme, modeled on the US EIS programme for developing world-class, field  epidemiologists, in India, in 2012.
India EIS, is a two-year programme, focused on providing hands-on training in epidemiologic service to public health professionals. Trainees, called Officers, engage in outbreak investigation, designing and analyzing epidemiological studies, analysis and evaluation of surveillance data, scientific communication, and other activities in preparation for careers as field epidemiologists. India EIS Training Programme is aimed at preparing public health professionals in field epidemiology and leadership skills at district, state and national levels.

Head (Gender Equity and Diversity (GED) - CARE India

1. POSITION VACANT: Head – Gender Equity and Diversity (GED), CARE India, Delhi

CARE India is a part of the CARE International Confederation working in 84 countries for a world where all people live in dignity and security.
CARE has been working in India for over 60 years, focusing on ending poverty and social injustice through comprehensive programmes in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response.

District Lead - STIR Education

1. POSITION VACANT: District Lead, STIR Education, Chennai
STIR Education was established in 2012, with the vision of ensuring that every child is taught by an intrinsically motivated teacher using improved classroom and student learning practices.
Headquartered in London, STIR Education is currently operating in India and Uganda and supported by 18 of the world’s leading foundations and development agencies. Donors include DFID, USAID, MasterCard, MacArthur, Ikea Foundation, Dubai Cares and UBS Optimus.

Senior Manager (Monitoring & Evaluation) - STIR Education

1. POSITION VACANT: Senior Manager- Monitoring & Evaluation, STIR Education, Bangalore
STIR Education was established in 2012, with the vision of ensuring that every child is taught by an intrinsically motivated teacher using improved classroom and student learning practices.
Headquartered in London, STIR Education is currently operating in India and Uganda and supported by 18 of the world’s leading foundations and development agencies. Donors include DFID, USAID, MasterCard, MacArthur, Ikea Foundation, Dubai Cares and UBS Optimus.
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