Position Vacant : Office Assistant
Position Code : PHFI/2014/68-PIPPSE
Place of Posting : One at Technical Support Unit, Gujarat, and One at Technical Support Unit, Rajasthan
Organization Name : Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
Company Profile:
Public Health Foundation of India, a public private initiative to build large scale human resource capacity in public health through its three pronged integrated charter of (a) establishing a network of world class, India-relevant schools of public health & strengthening some of the existing schools (b) establishing standards for public health education through the formation of an accreditation agency and (c) strengthening research and policy in areas related to public health.
Position Code : PHFI/2014/68-PIPPSE
Place of Posting : One at Technical Support Unit, Gujarat, and One at Technical Support Unit, Rajasthan
Organization Name : Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
Company Profile:
Public Health Foundation of India, a public private initiative to build large scale human resource capacity in public health through its three pronged integrated charter of (a) establishing a network of world class, India-relevant schools of public health & strengthening some of the existing schools (b) establishing standards for public health education through the formation of an accreditation agency and (c) strengthening research and policy in areas related to public health.